Monday 3 August 2015

I Lost Love and Want it Back

One of the most common problems that people have is that they have lost a love somewhere along the line. For most people, their first lost love happens when they are in high school, Love Traction Lines followed by another one in college or early adulthood. Some people find the same thing happens to them even later in life, after their spouse passes away. If you find yourself saying, 'I lost love," you are not alone and you do not have to stay that way forever.

It is disheartening and a little embarrassing for people to say, 'I lost love," and for good reason. Saying that you have lost something implies that you were negligent or somehow not doing everything you could to take care of it. If you lost love, maybe you weren't a good partner, or maybe you hurt your partner so much that they would rather be alone than with you.

Other times, a person may say, "I lost love" because someone died or moved away. This kind of lost love can be devastating but time takes care of a lot of the hurt. Even people who were married for 50 years can still, someday, get over the pain and find love again.

The thing about love is that it is always out there for you, you just don't know where yet. But, if your heart is open and you are willing to recognize it when it comes knocking on your door, you will be able to let it back into your heart again.

Losing love can be one of life's most painful experiences, but remember the old saying, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." In times of pain, it is hard to believe that is true, but we all know deep in our hearts that it is true.